Setting up Siemens Industrial Museum in Woolwich
Part one
By Iain Lovell
This account describes the setting up of an industrial museum at
the AEI (formerly Siemens Brothers works in Woolwich) in the late 1950s. It
covers not only the exhibits displayed but the circumstances under which it was
commissioned and the interactions of the personalities involved. It is written
from a position of personal involvement
In 1958 I was employed by AEI Woolwich limited as a student
apprentice on a ‘sandwich
course’; alternating
the first six months of each year at college with six months work experience,
comprising 6 to 8 weeks spells in various departments of the company. A chance
conversation over lunch with another student at the company’s research laboratory
in Blackheath, where we were both working, lead to one of the most interesting
assignments of my career.
Siemens Brothers, one of the earliest electrical engineering
companies, had been founded in Woolwich, on the south bank of the Thames a century earlier. There had been
three Siemens brothers who set up engineering businesses in different parts of
the world - Werner Siemens stayed in Germany and later combined with Halske;
Karl Wilhelm Siemens came to England and set up in Woolwich, changing his name
to Charles William and married an Englishwoman; Oskar Siemens set up in America.
The company had undergone many changes and amalgamations being
known at various stages in its history as Siemens Edison Swan, Siemens Editswan,
and latterly, AEI Woolwich Ltd, part of the giant Associated Electrical Industries
group. During the 19th century a museum of the products had been set up but by the
1930s had become neglected. At the start of the war space became very scarce
because of military production needs and there was bomb damage to some buildings.
The exhibits were dispersed into various storerooms, pressed back into service
or lost
A decision was taken to restore the museum as far as possible for
the Duke of Edinburgh‘s visit for the company’s
centenary. The new museum was to be housed in a former library used by William
Siemens in Woolwich. In charge of this project was Dr George Sutton, director in
charge of the research laboratory in Blackheath. Reporting directly to him was Brian
Rispoli, a student. It soon became obvious that Brian would not be able to
complete the work alone within the five week deadline. Following a lunch time
conversation with me he put my name forward to Dr Sutton urn and I was asked to
join the team. Also co-opted onto the team was Terry Card, an instrument maker,
who was assigned the task of restoring the exhibits. An exhibition designer
John Arnold was contracted through the firm of Cyprien Fox to do the display
We used a conference room on the lower ground floor as an office/workshop.
Off it led four individual offices one of these was uses sporadically by Dr Sutton
and the other three were unoccupied. Access to the conference room was via a
store room, for want of a better word, containing a huge number of books,
ledgers and other documents. They dated
mainly from the late 19th and early 20th centuries but some went back to the
18th century. They included an almost complete set of bound volumes of the
Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (originally known as the
Society of Telegraph Engineers) from its inception in about 1870 tot the 1930s.
There were a number of text books, mainly
on engineering but also on biology, botany and other sciences. Many were
beautifully illustrated and some were printed in German. There was also the
first wages book and the letter book. I was told this collection included the Obach
Library, a private collection left by a senior employee named Obach many years
earlier supposedly on condition it was properly looked after. These books were stacked against walls, stored
in cardboard boxes or left lying in piles on the table on the floor. Amongst them
were the components of a number of steel shelf units intended to store the
books but never assembled
The building had some bizarre architectural features. The position of some light switches in and
around the storeroom bore no logical relationship to that of the fluorescent
tubes they controlled; operating a switch might light a tube in a distant
corridor, sometimes after a number of seconds, as the starters were not all
affective. The heating was by large
cast-iron radiators most of which were at floor level, as is normal. Some however were anything from 2 to 6 feet
above the ground
The exhibits were brought to the conference room in crates and
cardboard boxes. Many were damaged scratched or dusty. The books in the storeroom with invaluable in researching
the exhibits and most of our information came from that source. Some time
before we started on the project the Company had lent several of the
instruments for a temporary exhibition to the Science Museum who returned them
without the descriptive notice. The
notices were jumbled together with the instruments and some were inaccurate but
nevertheless made a very useful starting point for research.
One of our earliest tasks was to sort the useful books from the
irrelevant once and assemble one of the dismantled bookcases to store the
frequently used volumes. in doing this we risked precipitating a strike but
there was not time to wait till the millwrights arrived - when they eventually
came to assemble the other cases the Duke of Edinburgh‘s visit was over. Because of the short time span John Arnold had
been obliged to design a showcase and order them to be made before he knew what
was to be stored in them.
Dr Sutton was a striking person of a great charm, born about 1890.
A little over 6 feet in height he had a
tall wave of white hair, slightly yellowed like antique ivory and large horn rimmed
glasses. the most startling aspect of
his appearance was the informality of
his dress, at a time where a dark lounge suit was just about acceptable office wear
for an ex executive, he would typically wear pale yellow corduroy trousers, a
bright red plaid patterned open neck shirt, a hounds tooth sports jacket with leather patched elbows and
sandals. It was very rare for him to
wear a tie. He appeared to us to be
quite detached from the hurly-burly of office politics. He had a profound knowledge and great interest
in the history of engineering. he spoke frequently and always with the greatest
fondness about his father who had been an engineer or scientist and I remember
him saying was a member of the Horological Society. his father had a laboratory/ workshop in the
garden of their home where as a boy Dr Sutton was allowed on occasions to watch
him work
John Arnold was a completely different character, born in 1915;
he was a short stocky man with a friendly outgoing manner, a lively sense of humour,
sometimes a bit vulgar by the standards of the day, and a ready smile. He was very quick to see the potential of the exhibits
and how they could be arranged to demonstrate engineering themes, although he had
virtually no technical knowledge. He
also had great dynamism and well understood the urgency of the deadlines. He
had some pithy descriptions of the type of person one met in publicity work. One was the ‘little
Emperor’ i.e. the self-important
head of department who could not understand how anyone could attach any
importance to anything other than his department. Another was the ‘Ancient Mariner’ who, as in the poem, insists
on describing his own interests at inordinate length when you had other urgent
business to attend to.
This first appeared in the GIHS newsletter for December 1998
I was an apprentice at AEI Woolwich SE 18 from 1957 to 1963 in various departments including the labs at Blackbeath finishing as an Instrument Maker. One day a week at tech college & 2 nights at night school. Good times if a little bit tough at times.Would like to from any who were there during this period.
Could of been Me same time same place im now 79Years old David Mead
I was an apprentice telecommunications engineer at AEI Woolwich from September 1966 until March 1968. We were on a sandwich course at Woolwich College of Further Education at Plumstead and lived it. Bob Louth.
Would be good to hear from any passed apprencies who served their time from 1957 to 1963 I cycled over from Forest Hill SE23 to Woolwich SE18 until I put together my 1st motorcycle.
The unknown is John Taylor clock number TM 169 Apprentice 1957 to 1963 now resident in Guisborough Cleveland TS14 7NF
I started as a student apprentice in 1961 doing a DipTech ending up in Speller's Private Telephone design section. A lifetime ago.
Would like to hear from any apprentice 1957 to 1963 John Taylor
My father was an apprentice at Siemens Brothers Woolwich pre WW1. I recall him saying that prior to his apprenticeship he went to a college in Woolwich. He was sent out to Germany to study metrication and to bring back on his return an important package. WW1 was announced and he returned to the UK at the same time as the British Ambassador to Germany. I remember the wonderful sports days each summer possibly in Charlton Park.
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