Friday 24 July 2020

Articles on Greenwich Peninsula History - by Mary Mills

Mary Mills –Works on Peninsula History

As ever I find 'consultants' paid  for writing histores of Peninsula sites - and getting it all wrong.  They never ever seem to consult existing work - and goodness there is a lot out there for them to ignore.  

These are just some of my own articles and booklets on Peninsula History - there are many others I just can't track down or still trying.  

Sorry if this is boastful - but I am not getting paid for this, and others are getting consultants' rates for writing nonsense.   

bleat bleat

Alexander Theophilus Blakeley. Ordnance Journal 2001

Beale’s Gas Exhauster  Greenwich Weekender  10 June 2020

Bessemer and Greenwich. GLIAS Newsletter. Letter

Blackadder.  Greenwich Visitor.

Blackwall Point Greenwich Society Newsletter Sept/Oct 2018. 

Breach in the Sea Wall, Bygone Kent. 19/.4.

Bugsby’s Reach

Bugsby’s Reach consultation. GLIAS Newsletter

Case for Listing cranes at Lovells Wharf .Groundwork 1999

Ceylon Place cottages. Greenwich Visitor

Damn Your Eyes Mr. Sharp.  Meridian Magazine. March 2000

Dock That Never Was, Bygone Kent . 20/.4

Drugs, Guns and High Finance. Bygone Kent. 19/7.

Early Gas Industry and its Residual Products in East London.  Book M. Wright 1994

East Greenwich Gas Holder is Going. Newcomen Links. Sept 2019

East Greenwich No.2.  GLIAS Newsletter 1986

East Greenwich Tide Mill. London’s Industrial Archaeology 17. 2019

Enderby Leaflet (with Stewart Ash and Peter Luck)

Enderby Wharf. The True Story. Westcombe  News Feb 2017  (with Peter Luck)

Explosion at Blackwall Point Greenwich Weekender  5th September 2018

Explosion 200 years ago. Industrial Heritage  Vol. 32 Winter 2007

Explosive Magazine at Greenwich Greenwich Weekender 17th June 2020

Explosive Magazine at Greenwich, Bygone Kent,. 18/12.

Finding the Bulli Bulli GIHS Newsletter Vol.2/ 5

From Greenwich across the Atlantic . Greenwch Weeknder 16th July 2020

From Mr Bugsby to the Coaling Jetty. Booklet

From the Great Meadow to the Barge Builders Greenwich Weekender 27 May 2020

Gas Workers Strike in South London,  South London Record 4, 1989.

George Livesey Business History 1988

Georgian Cottages on the New Millennium Experience Site

Georgian Cottages nearly demolished for the Millennium Exhibition. Greenwich Society Newsletter

Peninsula History Docklands Forum; April 1998

Giveem enough Rope Greenwich Weekender  24 June 2020

Granite wharf Greenwich Weekender  13 May 2020

Greenwich and Woolwich at Work. Suttons 2002 Book 

Greenwich Gunpowder Depot, Gunpowder Mills Study Group, 21.

Greenwich Harbour Master. Greenwich Weekender  16th May  2018

Greenwich Inland Linoleum, Bygone Kent, 20/3.

Greenwich Marsh Flood Defences. Newcomen   Bulletin 170, April 1998.

Greenwich Marsh, M.Wright 1999 Book 

Greenwich Peninsula. Docklands Forum 1999

Greenwich ships travelled far. Greenwich Weekender 10th June 2019

Gunpowder. Inspection and Death, Bygone Kent. 19/l.

Henry VIII King of Industrial England.  Greenwich Visitor November 2018

Henry Bessemer in Greenwich. Newcomen Society Bulletin, 172, 1998.

Hills Family, Bygone Kent, 18/3,

History of the Holder Greenwich Weekender 16th April 2018

How I found the Dry Dock Capstan. Greenwich Weekender 23rd April 2019

How Time and Tide shaped our History. Greenwich Visitor Oct. 2008

Ice Well at Lovells Wharf Kent Underground Research Newsletter.63

Industrial Accident at East Greenwich. Bygone Kent, 17/11, 1996

Industrial Site in East Greenwich, Bygone  Kent, 17/12 1996.

Innovation, Enterprise and Change on the Greenwich Peninsula.  2018  Book 

Into the Marshland. Greenwich Weekender  29th April 2020

Jetty. Booklet 2018

Jim Hughes and Orinoco Bygone Kent February 2001

John Beale and Joshua Beale, Inventors from Greenwich Marsh, Bygone Kent, 18/6, June 1997

John Beale of Greenwich. Industrial Heritage. Vol 28 Summer 2002

Jumbo. No More, Greenwich SocietyNewsletter

Kicking up a right stink Greenwich Weekender 13 March 2019

Looming against the sky is the skeleton of the great holder  Greenwich Weekender 8 Aug. 2019

Lovell’s Wharf Booklet

Lovells Wharf Bygone Kent  Nov & Dec 1999 & March 2000

Made in Greenwich. The Appleby Beam Engine. Greenwich Society Newsletter

Man who laid cables under Atlantic. Greenwich Weekender 13 June  2018

Maudslay Son and Field for Kew Bridge Engines Trust CD 2002

Maudslay Son and Field in Greenwich Bygone Kent in three parts  Jan, Feb & March 2002

Medieval tide mill Greenwich Weekender 6th May 2020

Memorial to the dead in the Great War from the East Greenwich Gasworks. Greenwich Soc. Newsletter

Millennium Site - Bad Smells on Greenwich Marsh, Bygone Kent, 17/7 July 1996.

Millennium Site - Who built the Gas Works, Bygone Kent, 17/5, May 1996.

Millennium Site, New East Greenwich, Bygone Kent, 17/8 1996,

Molassine. Bygone Kent

Mollassine Co. & smell to remember  Greenwich Weekender 8th June 2019

Mystery Steel Works, Bygone Kent. 20.

Nathan Thompson and the Wooden Nutmeg.   Bygone Kent. 19/ 5.

Olinthus Gregory Description of the East Greenwich Tide Mill. Industrial Heritage  Vol.33 Spring 2007

Our Poor Doomed Gas Holder Greenwich Weekender 6th March 2019

River People Greenwich Weekender  3rd June 2020

Shipbuilding in East Greenwich. Thames Shipbuilding Study Group

Stockwell and Lewis. Dry Dock Bygone Kent  20/9.

Tragic death of Mary Mahoney killed on her first day at the firework factory  Greenwich Weekender  6th December 2017

Tragic demolition of Jumbo. Greenwich Soc. Newsletter

Thames Tunnels AIA Newsletter  140 Spring 2017

We made History on an Industrial Scale. Greenwich Visitor Sept. 2018

Writing the History of the Greenwich Peninsula. OU Student Journal