Saturday 15 February 2020

Letters November 2005

Letters November 2005


From Peter Witts
I am trying to trace information on a company supposedly called Roberts and Merryweather of Greenwich. This relates to a mystery locomotive that was photographed in Mackay Queensland Australia, in the early 1920s. I have identified the maker: Hunslets of Leeds but at some time it was noted as having been rebuilt by Roberts & Merryweather, Greenwich, England.  I am aware of famous firm of Merryweather Greenwich but a search of the directories did not mention the name of Roberts. I presume that Roberts was connected with the firm and if so information could point to a date when this locomotive was in England and perhaps its identity. I would be most grateful for any help that I can pass on to my colleagues in .Australia.

From Carole Lyons
I am responding to a letter published by the Society in 2002 written by Len Chapman then living at Locke's Wharf on the Isle of Dogs. He had been told that the propellers for the Queen Mary had been made there. In 1936 my great grandfather was a foreman working at the Manganese Bronze and Brass Company at their works at St David’s Wharf, adjacent to Locke's Wharf which was the site of the Millwall Lead Works. This Manganese Bronze site was concerned solely with propellers. My family have a commemorative ashtray cast by Manganese Bronze, inscribed around the top edge: RMS Queen Mary Maiden Voyage 27th May 1936. It has, as a centre, a 3 inch high silver propeller. On the underside of the base is the following inscription: This is a Model of one of the propellers made by the Manganese Bronze and Brass Co. Ltd. London, England.

From Steph Grieves
Do you have any suggestions as to the origin of the following? My garden backs onto the chapel halfway down Charlton Church Lane. It consists of a steep slope at the bottom of which is material I can best describe as slag/clinker and would appear to be the residue of some industrial process. Many pieces are more than a foot across. Could there have been a limekiln here? Is it dumped industrial waste like that tipped by Harvey's where Coutts House used to stand? The concrete arches which partially contain the 'slag ' were there in 1910 as seen in the background of a family photograph. The house itself was built in 1898. If you have time I would welcome your opinion on what, to me, is a mystery.

From: Emir Roscoe
In the 1901 census for England and Wales my great great grandfather was captain of the SS Faraday. His name was William Roscoe. The ship was in Trafalgar Doc Liverpool and then at Princess Dock, Liverpool on the 1.4. 1901. I would very much like a photo of this vessel.  It states she was a steamer

From Neil Bennett
If you do another list of research interests you could put my name down for 'Merryweather ', seeking to forth enlarge my collection of information. In exchange for new pictures, information etc, I could offer similar, or since thanks/modest payment. Regarding the High Road building, I don't get to see it much but appreciate its history. If it cannot be preserved I think Watford's example might be relevant. When the Scammell Motors works was knocked down for a housing estate, the main access road was called Scammell Way with side-roads named after company products e.g. Crusader Way, Explorer Drive Pioneer Way, and Himalayan Way

In Vol I Issue 4 the 'Flexible Metallic Tubing Co ' mentioned. Around 1980 I worked for Ransome & Rapid Ltd, Ipswich. They made the NCK Rapier cranes which can still be seen working, mobile (wheeled) cranes, giant walking dragline excavators and among other things the turntable for the revolving restaurant in the Post Office Tower. While there my drawings included a piece of flexible exhaust pipe (3 or 4 inches diameter) for a diesel engined crawler-crane which came from the United Flexible Metallic Tubing Company. lts address was probably not given as Greenwich or I would have remembered it as a neighbour of MW&SL. If it is the same company the addition of the name 'United might suggest that it merged with another company at some point and may have moved. Later (1983) I looked them up and the) had become T.I. Flexible Tubes, but apparently I did not note their address. The Tube Investments group now has a web-site featuring T.I. Automotive. Their products don’t look at all similar,

From John Evans
Farrington's guide to East India Company ships refers to the Streatham, the 4th of that name, having been built at Dudman's Yard. Do you or any of your colleagues know anything about the family or shipyards

From Simon Ward
My Dad, who is 93 was  telling me recently about his war experiences. He was called into the army (Royal Army Ordnance Corps) sometime after 1939 and did his basic training at Cambridge Barracks, Woolwich. He remembers that it was surrounded by a large wall like a prison with big gates. He also remembered the large square in the middle of it. No-one was allowed on the square unless they were drilling. He (and I) was wondering what had become of the barracks. Are they still in situ? I would be grateful for any information you have on Cambridge Barracks so I can pass the information on to my Dad.

From Iris Bryce
I'd love to learn more about the East Greenwich History club and perhaps get along to a meeting. One of my great grumbles is the loss of east and west in Greenwich addresses. It was one of the first things we learnt when we went to school. I wonder what Miss Tills my first teacher would think of North Greenwich Station?

From Gerry
Noticed your comments about MV Royal Iris. Have you any information about who owns her and what plans there are for her future

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