Saturday 6 September 2008

Royal Hill

Query from a resident:

Does anyone in your society know the original purpose of the building nowoccupied by the Greenwich Natural Health Centre at the back of 70 RoyalHill? It is a most curious structure hidden away behind Royal Hill andabutting the allotments on what used to be the other railway line coming into Greenwich.


Anonymous said...

It used to be a masonic lodge apparantly.

Ronnie M said...

No 70 Royal Hill was built as part of the Public House "The Prince Albert" (now the "Prince of Greenwich")in 1843. It was originally a Masonic building, and has had many uses since. In WW1 it was a munitions factory, in the 1920s a model aircraft factory, and post-WW2 it was a factory making street furniture. In 1980/1 it was occupied by a printing company producing many fine books and show-business literature. The present occupiers, The Greewnich Natural Health Centre, have been there since 1994.