This from an (undated) Telcon House Magazine - probably late 1951 or early 1952. This is a walk most of us can still recognise although it is going fast now. It runs from what is now the Alcatel factory - there and back. I've put a short commentary at the end.
After lunch - a walk down the river when it’s all set fair
for a stroll.
No time was available for loitering and the path was still leading
on, by the tavern with its ambiguous "FREE HOUSE" sign and beyond,
into the shadow of the Generating Station, its chimneys belching forth its
filth, and its body, splintered as though wounded, lying in a labyrinth of steel scaffolding; past ugly gaps
in the adjacent houses which revived
fading memories of diving planes and screeching bombs; the junk yard, full of
things that once had meaning, and with its locked gates mocked by the broken
Children were playing in the road, soldiers with crude
wooden swords the eight-year-old in charge ordering.. Wait there while I go and
do something important," and returning with an ice cream for his four-year-old sister. Two more were staring
longingly into the sweet shop window, without hope, for their pennies were
spent already.
Christchurch Way was elastic, and had been stretched that
day by an evil genius to it limit, but the gate was passed on the stroke of
.time, and 1 was left with just my impressions of a well- spent lunch hour.
He has had his lunch and is walking from what is now the Alcatel factory - which was then Telcon. You could then of course get straight onto the riverside path from the factory - unlike now when you are blocked by B*****s. Monarch is of course a cable ship waiting at Enderbys to be loaded and set off. He is going towards Greenwich, past Pipers, Lovells - he mentions Providence wharf, which was inland and I don't know why it was murky.
On to Ballast Quay - with what was still then The Union Tavern. I don't also know what the scaffolding he mentions round the Power Station is - I have never heard that it was bombed?? The junk yard is, I guess, Anchor Iron Wharf with the Robinson scrap business.
Then round and back via Trafalgar Road. Woolworths was what is now the AldLife Charity Shop - it has had an extra floor added but if you look up you will see along the roof line the remains of a classic Woolworth's frontage - perhaps someone could confirm if it had a clock on it?
- oh - and - the pictures are tiny on the original - I know you will think they are too small - but I have actually enlarged them
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