ALBION SUGAR were on the Arsenal site and one of the many sugar works in east London. I would be grateful for details of the buildings they occupied - since I know they were of particular interest but have forgotten why.
However - we have been sent this really rather beautiful brochure about the works - but, unfortunately, the facilities available on this blog site will not allow me to reproduce the typography as I would like. (If anyone would like a PDF of the whole thing, let me know). .
The sudden appearance of a fully equipped sugar factory,
springing into adult existence one bright morning from apparently nothing, is as
rare a phenomenon in the industrial sphere as is the emergence of a new comet
in the world of astronomy. In both cases speculation naturally arises as to the
origin of the new body, its composition, size and orbit -its very raison
d'etre. The Directors of Albion Sugar Company Ltd feel that the many questions
which are sure to be raised about this new concern merit a full and frank
reply. To anticipate and answer such questions as a potential customer would be
likely to ask is the purpose of this brochure. Albion Wharf, Woolwich, London, Autumn 1929.
Albion Wharf and Factory from the Thames |
The Story of an Idea - and its Realisation.
One of the most striking features of industrial progress in
the last quarter of a century has been the waning of that austere spirit of
individualism which not infrequently caused useless friction, and a
corresponding waxing of friendly relations between businesses with identical
interests. In many instances this friendship exists without any kind of
amalgamation or even working agreement. A case in point is the amity that has
for some years existed between the firms of White, Tomkins & Courage Ltd, R.
& W. Paul Ltd, and Gillman & Spencer Ltd-three businesses engaged in
the manufacture of brewing materials, yet each conducted entirely independently
of the others.
These three firms have now, while retaining the same complete
individuality as hitherto, come into closer association in a new enterprise-
Albion Sugar Company Limited. It is as well at this juncture to state unequivocally
that this amalgamation is confined to this single development.
Scope for Expansion
heads of these three firms had for a long held the opinion that, subject to
certain requirements being fulfilled, great scope for the expansion of business
lay in the manufacture of Invert Sugar. The idea simmered for some years, until
it was clear that all the basic conditions could at last be satisfied, and Albion
Sugar Company Limited, Woolwich is the outcome. What were those conditions, and what were the reasons for them?
The view was held that it would be possible to manufacture Invert
Sugar of the highest quality, and at a price which would compete favourably
with current quotations, provided first, that the initial outlay could be kept
within reasonable bounds, so that it would not be necessary to pay interest on
a large capital: and, second, that, within this limit, such premises could be
found as would render practicable the economical handling of goods from raw
material to finished product. I t was realised that by adopting the most modern
designs and devices in plant a considerable saving in working expenses could be
effected, and that a second item on which capital expenditure might be saved
was that of premises. Would it be possible to find, ready to hand, and at an
economical price, a suitable site with premises capable of housing a complete
Invert Sugar plant, lending itself to expansion if necessary, and having both
rail and water facilities ? Would it be like crying for the moon to hope for such
a Utopia?
The Search Succeeds
There are no secrets in Albion Wharf, and an open invitation is hereby cordially extended to all brewers and to members of their executive staffs to pay a visit to the factory. A conducted tour of the works, tracing the flow of processes from start to finish, is a highly interesting experience, and it is hoped that a great many brewers, whether customers or not, will make an early opportunity to pay a visit.
The Search Succeeds
For some years, indeed, the search seemed hopeless: no section
of the navigable Thames was left uninspected, yet nothing that satisfied all
these requirements was discovered. At last, however, when hope had been -
almost given up, the dream was realised. The Albion Wharf, Woolwich, property
of the State, came into the market, and an inspection quickly revealed that it
was, in every respect, an ideal site for the new venture. Negotiations took
place with the Admiralty, and the freehold purchase of the land and premises
was effected at a figure which was to the entire satisfaction of the buyers.
Thus the initial obstacle, which had at one time seemed almost Insuperable, was
overcome, and Albion Sugar Company Limited was duly formed and registered
Ideal Premises
PREMISES having been acquired, plans which had hitherto existed
merely as ideas began to take shape, and it was realised that nothing could
have been more remarkable or more fortunate than the ready adaptability of the
Albion Wharf property to the new Company's ideas and requirements. The main
factory building comprises three storeys, its ground dimensions being 200 feet
by 60 feet, with two wings of the same height and ground dimensions of 160 feet
by 50 feet each. Like all State property of a permanent character, this factory
is a thoroughly substantial structure, and in all such important matters as
lighting, ventilation, stairways and doors it lacks nothing that the most
exacting modern requirements could demand. This building lent itself to the perfect
disposition of the complete plant, just as though it had been specially designed
for the purpose. At the same time, sufficient space has been left for future
expansion, and the whole of the plant could be duplicated and even triplicated,
if necessary, without occasioning any disturbance of the present arrangement.
A Model Wharf.
The second remarkably valuable asset possessed by these
premises is its river frontage. A granite wall 400 feet long, such as no
private concern trading for profit could afford to construct to-day, protects
the buildings and land against the highest spring tide and also affords a 18
feet berth, so that cargoes can be landed direct to the warehouse by means of a
powerful electric crane: coal supplies are also discharged by a 35cwt grab and carried
straight to the boilers by automatic conveyor. (It may here be stated that the
adoption of the latest labour-saving devices has been a guiding principle
throughout the whole equipment of the factory, at a saving of many thousands of
pounds per annum
A Natural Water Supply
To proceed with some of the numerous advantages afforded by
this unique site-advantages which have been either utilised as they stood or
adapted to special purposes. In the process of Invert Sugar manufacture a vast
quantity of water is required for condensing and cooling purposes, and it was
found possible to utilise an existing inlet from the Thames as a means of
supplying water in unlimited quantities. This is an immense advantage which
could readily be measured in terms of cash
A private railway siding
So much for the substantial benefits gained from so desirable
a riverfront, let us now consider what the back of the premises has to offer.
First, a group of buildings which, without any appreciable alteration, have
been adapted to hold a large battery of boilers, an extensive garage, a
coopers' shop and store-rooms: a second substantial building, connected with
the factory by a bridge. In which the spacious offices and laboratory are
housed. Second, a private railway-siding connecting up directly with the main
lines. Trucks can thus be loaded and despatched to their destination with a minimum
of handling, and equal facilities are, of course, available for the speedy and
economical return of empties. "Direct from producer to consumer" that
hackneyed and misused slogan, becomes, in the case of Albion products, a phrase
fraught with significance .
A Fleet of Lorries.
ROAD TRANSPORT is another item Company is particularly
favoured. A splendid road skirts the whole of the premises and leads into the
Albion Road, via which the Albion lorries speed into all parts
Low Costs Achieved
The list of advantages offered by these ideal premises could
be lengthened much more, but enough has now been stated to show that, in their
total, these remarkable facilities have made possible the avoidance of a heavy
incubus of charges-charges which, no matter under what heading they are
debited, inevitably have to be taken into account when costs are calculated. As
has been stated, it was on the possibility of being able to initiate and carry
on the business with a minimum of capital and working expenses, that the original
conception was based, and it is gratifying to be able to record that those
early ambitions have now been fully realised.
Staff and Plant.
THE Albion Wharf premises having been secured, there remained
to be settled two other matters of very great importance. First there was the
finding of a first-class works- manager and the appointment of a trained staff:
second, the purchase and installation of the plant
THE Works management
FURTHER good fortune was experienced in securing the
services as Works Manager, of Mr. Thomas S. Dick, than whom there is probably
no better-known figure in the Invert Sugar industry. Mr. Dick's thirty years'
practical experience, in Greenock and London, of every branch of sugar refining
and of Invert Sugar manufacture had qualified him as being pre-eminently the
man for this important key- position, and it was very gratifying to the Company
that he consented to take charge of the new works, for it was realised that,
although all the Directors were experienced in various branches of the
manufacture of brewing materials, and controlled, in their several staffs,
highly qualified chemists, it was nevertheless essential to have on the spot a
responsible works-manager who could devote all his time and energy to Albion Sugar
Entirely New Plant.
The purchase and installation of the plant was undertaken with
the Works Manager's invaluable co-operation, As has already been stated, it
was not the Company's policy to economise on initial
outlay, but rather to
ensure that the plant should be a hundred per cent efficient and as much per
cent automatic as human ingenuity could devise: this definitely stated principle
guided the purchase of every item of plant, and evidence of its application is
to be seen on every hand. The whole of the plant is new and of the most modern
type: in its various functions are to be seen many devices making for a saving
of power and labour and thereby contributing their quota to economical manufacture.
So successfully has this initial sine-qua-non of low-cost production been met that the
long-visualised possibility of manufacturing highest quality Invert Sugar at
the lowest possible cost has now become an accomplished fact. Thus far, with
all their preliminary requirements satisfied and economical manufacture
guaranteed, the Albion Directors realise that their hopes and aims have been
abundantly justified.
Invert Sugar Processes
We reproduce in these pages a number of photographs which
will doubtless give the reader a good idea of the magnitude of the Albion Wharf
premises and plant. Beyond a brief title to each photograph we will not attempt
any description, as to do so would mean embarking on a necessarily long
dissertation on the processes of sugar- refining and inversion. Suffice it to
say that raw sugar is unloaded at the Albion quay and that Invert Sugars to
meet the various requirements of the brewing trade leave the Albion factory by
rail, lorry and barge: the flow of processes between the first and final stages
is followed in the order of the illustrations. The works are supplemented by
modern and fully equipped laboratories, and every batch of Invert Sugar manufactured
has to pass the most stringent laboratory tests before being released for
despatch. There are no secrets in Albion Wharf, and an open invitation is hereby cordially extended to all brewers and to members of their executive staffs to pay a visit to the factory. A conducted tour of the works, tracing the flow of processes from start to finish, is a highly interesting experience, and it is hoped that a great many brewers, whether customers or not, will make an early opportunity to pay a visit.
Having spent many days and nights working at albion suger woolwich,I felt it would be good to add the following.If you where to look at the factory from the river, the building on the right was used as a ship tac supply company to large sailing ships. Also there are tunnels leading from there to woolwich road.this was to hide prisoners as they were being shipped to well were ever. Also they may have made the finest clucose but it was dicoverd when the plant closed that the cooling pipes leaked river water into the product and it was this that gave the product its mineral quality. This the new plant further down the river could not produce Mars was not happy.
Hi, my name is john aitken I worked has a drivers mate on number 42 tanker my driver was Fred stower and I started in 1963 and worked for the best tanker/fleet in Europe at the time hours was spent getting the vehicles fit for the road and they was spotless with great gleaming tank covers and a lovely forden s21 lorry. I only left to go into the army so I could drive heavy goods vehicles at 17 years of age when in civil street you had to be 21.I would love to known what happen after bi left.
My father, Alan Dingwall, worked for the Albion Sugar Company from 1951 until 1978. He was in laboratory, doing QA for much of that time and later went out on the road as a technical representative in the 1970s after the company was taken over by the "Dutch Heinz", Scholten Hoenig. In the early days there was a family feel to the firm as the old directors such as Messrs Alex Buchanan and Odling were men who knew all the men by name. Later under Dr Swain. the firm had an agreement to supply Mars of Slough with a 20 ton tanker of glucose every 3 hours day and night. Mars accounted for about 55% of the 2000 tons of liquid Glucose extracted from American Maize each week. The company ran a fleet of beautiful lime green tankers which looked like upside down "U"s on the move and all the servicing was done in house. The lorries had Rolls Royce engines which were able to do up to 750,000 miles without wearing out, something almost unprecedented in the days before multigrade engine oil. Scholten Hoenig bought a Japanese patent which would allow them to convert maize to isomorose, a sweetner used in the USA which was 10% sweeter than sugar and which didn't decay teeth. They built a large factory at Tibury but the whole project was cancelled after the sugar beet lobby realised it would put them out of business and the EU slapped a 20% tax on the maize. Scholten Hoenig went bankrupt and was acquired by the largest private company in the world, Cargill Inc., for almost nothing. The Americans decided to put Dad in an office without windows in the new Tilbury factory and so he opted for redundancy. Later, he heard from an ex-colleague that production was raised to 8000 tons a week by the Americans but the old Albion Wharf site next to Woolwich Dockyard station was abandoned in the early 1980s.
My father in law William ( Bill) Harvey was Transport Manager for Albion Sugar Comany in the late 60s and early 70s, l also worked as a lorry driver for the same company in the early 70s, Bill Harvey was made redundant in around 1977, l remember some of the drivers in particular John Hillier whome used to go to the Belgium Beer Fedtival each year always remember him saying " give it some stick Walt, fond memories. Wally Peach
My father was Works Manager in the early 1960s when they had a major fire at the refinery.
My name is Ted Street an Australian who worked at Albion as a freelance accountant in 1977 just before and during Albion's demise from woolwich.
very much enjoyed reading this post. My father [92] worked as a lab boy here straight from school. He would be really interested to see copies of the photos. Could you please send a copy of the PDF file you mentioned, so I could print some out to show him, thanks in anticipation. My email is
hello, no idea if this works as I've tried several times to add a comment but it doesn't seem to show up. My father [92]worked here as a lab boy straight from school, for a couple of years before he was conscripted, He'd be really interested to see the photos. Could you send a copy of the PDF file to so I could print some out for him. thanks
Great stories ..I remember the big rings in the floors, they told me those rings were used to lock the prisoners at their chains at their feet...Soo pls tell me if this true?! By the end of the factory life we from H&S Holland had to move the sirops, steepwater to Cargill Tilbury great time..very nice people in Woolwich thanks for the tea and biscuits!! John
My father-in law Bill Harvey was Transport Manager at Albion Sugar, l passed my HGV in September 1970 on the Friday and he telephoned me on the Saturday evening and said he was desparate for a driver to take an 8 wheeler to Mars Slough!! I had never driven anything bigger than a little Bedford TK brick lorry, as you can imagin never driven a 4 up and 4 down crash gearbox, although l passed my HGV 1 with a crash box l meet a driver in Woolwich that evening and he wasn't very helpful and just said there it is off you go, well l managed to get it moving just!!! When l tried pulling out of Albion Wharf in a 1956 Wooden cab Foden l got it stuck between gears and got stuck across Woolwich High Road, however by the time l reached Mars at Slough l had mastered that box!! In somebodies comment lt was refered to "give it some stick Walt" this came from John Hillier when l used to take the drivers to the Belgium Beer Festival by coach!! My part-time job in those days, l did end up driving for Albion Sugar Company full-time but left just after Bill was made redundant, l ofteren wonder what happened to all those great driver, Harry Latham, Wooton Brothers and of course John Hillier, happy memories of 1974 to 1977.
I've just come accross this site and although born and raised in Pontefract West Yorkshire my father Robert Prideaux started his driving career at Albion Sugar with a fella called John Green?and a guy called bill Fairman, I know very little of my father's early years and looking for information or anyone who knew him or of him? He lived in Charlton friends with lenny James, Geoffrey vinn, Harry Gardner (big H) he was born 1942 and started driving I think 16? Maybe 18? But was a drivers mate before that... so possibly at Albion Sugar late 50's early 60's? Did anyone work with my father Robert (Rob ) (Bob) Prideaux? I am also getting married next year and thinking as a mode of transport to my wedding if there was any of the fleet of Albion Sugar still around available to hire? Long shot but worth an ask.. thank you Nick Prideaux. Please email any information to ...any information would be apprciated.
My father, George Thomas Clark was a boiler stoker at the Albion. I believe he started there after leaving the army in 1946. He worked there until about 1968. Real dirty manual work. When the boilers were cold he would have to climb into them and clean them out and check the brickwork. He died of lung cancer in 1971. I remember in the 50’s they would have a Christmas Party for the children. Always got a present from Santa and if you went up on the stage and sung etc., they gave you a chocolate bar. One year I was given an address book, I still have it and it is still used although rather tatty.
Walter, I am writing a short article on Fodens and The Albion Sugar Co. Is it OK to include a short synopsis of your story? My email is Thanks
Hello. I am writing a short article for The Foden Society Newsletter on Fodens and The Albion Sugar Co. Is it OK to include some of your comments? My email is Thanks
Walter Peach, Anon and John Aitken. I am writing a short article on the Albion Fodens for The Foden Society magazine. Do you have any objections to me including some of your driving experience comments? I will of course credit you in the article. Thank you. BTW, I worked at Fodens for 45 years.
Apologies. In my post asking for permission to reproduce drivers comments, I missed my name off.
David Greenwich Industrial History would be very interested to see your Fodens article. email me
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