By Diana Rimel
Lord Roseberry
of the London County Council officially opened the Woolwich Ferry in March 1889.
The very first
ferry at Woolwich can be traced to 1308 when
William de Wicton sold a small wooden boat, used for transporting people and
goods, to William atte Hull for £10. A
series of ferry services followed which frequently changed hands and competed
vigorously with each other to such an extent that in 1330 Woolwich people petitioned parliament to suppress the rival ferries
at Greenwich and Erith. Yet another ferry was established in 1811 by Act of Parliament between Woolwich
and Charlton, but the sheer expense of this venture and lack of custom resulted
in its downfall. In 1847 the Great Eastern Railway Company opened the Penny Ferry
operating until 1908 from North Woolwich Pier, the remains of which can still
be seen.
These early ferries demonstrated the need for an inexpensive reliable ferry
service capable of carrying people to work in the docks of North Woolwich.
There was also a thriving boat building industry at Woolwich. Local traders
demands for a steam ferry were finally met in 1881
when the Metropolitan Board of Works agreed to fund a free ferry for the
people of Woolwich, as an acknowledgement of the contributions made by its
ratepayers towards the cost of bridges built in London
The Gordon, Duncan and Hatton constituted the first paddle steamers, and
were reminiscent of Mississippi steamboats with tall black funnels. They were
replaced by the Squires, a second Gordon built in 1923 and the John Benn had the Will Crooks. During its 100 years
of service the Woolwich ferry has not often been totally closed. The Squires went
out of action in 1926 when it was
struck on its port bow by the US vessel Coahama County when returning to the
south pontoon. Fortunately no one was injured. These trusty coke-powered
vessels clocked up a combined 400,000 miles
until 1963.
From 1963 the John Burns, Ernest
Bevin and James Newman powered by diesel, took over from the paddle steamers
and by their double ended loading design facilitated the loading and unloading
of cars and lorries. They were able to sail
in either direction and each boat has two 500hp diesel engines. In 1966
terminals with steel trussed ramps adjustable to a 30 ft. tidal range and designed
by Husband and Co replaced floating landing stages.
In 1991 there were 84 ferry staff, 12 in the offices, 30 in the
workshops, including shipwrights, plumbers, fitters, boiler makers, painters
and welders - almost a fully-fledged dockyard. At that time the boats did 16 weeks on the river and eight being overhauled
on the ferry's own dry dock.
General Charles Gordon of Khartoum (1833-1885) born in Woolwich and studied at the Academy. Gordon built 1888 by R & H Green.
Colonel Francis Duncan (1836-1888) author
of 'The History of the Royal Artillery.' Duncan was a soldier and an MP,
director of the St John's Ambulance Brigade from 1877-82. He died at Woolwich and is buried at Charlton. Duncan
built 1888 by R and H Green.
Charles Hutton (1737-1823), professor of Mathematics at Woolwich Academy from 1773-1807, calculated the density of the earth using measurements obtained in 1774 by the Astronomer Royal Nevil Maskeleyne. Hutton built 1893 by William Simmons and Co Ltd.
William James Squires (1850-1931), a Woolwich man, twice Mayor of Woolwich and for many years Chairman of the Woolwich Equitable Building Society. A bookseller and stationer who owned two shops in the town. Squires built 1922 by J Samuel White and Co Ltd.
Second Gordon built same date, same firm.
William Crooks (1852-1921) Woolwich's first Labour MP, took his seat in the House of Commons in 1903. Served on the London County Council from 1892-1910 and was Mayor of Poplar 1910. Crooks built 1930 by J Samuel White and Co Ltd.
Sir John Benn, (1850-1922) member
of London County Council from its inception 1889
and chairman 1904-5, publisher,
lived on Blackheath, grandfather of Tony Benn. M.P for Devonport for 6
years. Benn built 1930 by J Samuel White & Co Ltd.
James Newman (1879-1955) school
teacher, was a distinguished citizen of Woolwich, school-teacher, mayor from 1923-25 and 1951- 52, many years a member of the Woolwich Borough Council. Co-
founder and vice-President of the Woolwich Council of Social Services. Awarded
OBE in 1948 for his contribution to
local government.
Ernest Bevin (1881-1951) pioneer
of modern trade unionism. Minister in two governments and Labour MP for
Woolwich during the last year of his life. Bevin was known affectionately as
the 'dockers' KC.'
All three current ferries were built in 1963 at the Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co. Ltd.
Shipyard in Dundee
John Elliott Burns 1858-1943, loved
London's history and river. Called the Thames Liquid History; represented
Battersea on Londonn County Council from 1889-1907;
led the great dock strike of 1889 and
was one of the first Labour MPs to represent Battersea. Also in 1905 the first
artisan to reach Cabinet rank. Flagship of the fleet.
artisan to reach Cabinet rank. Flagship of the fleet.
The right to run a ferry belongs like a fair or market to an English law franchise its origin by statue, royal grant or prescription. The owner can charge toll and take action against rivals. The Woolwich Ferry of the 14th century was a Royal Ferry, farmed by the King (meaning that he could receive payment from the owners). This was an attempt to stop rival ferries from Greenwich and Erith.
Gordon, Duncan and Hatton cost £.45,077 (including acquisition of property
for approach roads). LCC built piers and pontoons (£119,367) and compensation
of £27,500 to the Great Eastern Railway for the loss of its penny service.
Service inaugurated by Earl of Roseberry in March 1889.
Duncan and Gordon were 164ft long, driven by four steam engines - two
coupled to each paddle-wheel, producing a total of 600hp. They were able to carry 1000 passengers and 15
vessels. In their first year they transported 1,658,777 passengers and 67,614 vehicles.
When the Hutton joined them it was a 20 minute service maintained between 5am
and 11pm, except in fog. The old boats were sold for scrap in 1963, and many
people were sad to see them go. They had closed only 3 times till then.
Burns, Bevin and Newman were diesel engined with Voith Schneider cycloidal
infinitely variable propellers fore and aft. They are end-loading carrying some
330 vehicles and 6, 500 passengers between 8am-8pm each day. 1982 was their
first year out of service. In December 1981 the engines of the Bevin were
started up after a 3 day Christmas holiday. One blew up, its block split and it
was a write off. During the holiday water had leaked into one of the cylinders
of the engine, and when it was started the water in the cylinder caused too
much pressure to build up.
In January .1982 the Burns's
crankshaft split owing to metal fatigue, the engine was also a write off. Both
boats were out of service on 10th January
and the Newman carried on alone. The good engine was taken out of the Bevin and
put in the Burns and she returned to service on 22 February. The ferry service
broke down at the same time as the train drivers’ strike of that year. It
increased road traffic in the Blackwall Tunnel and all round Woolwich.
In 1991 one million vehicles and two and a. quarter
million passengers crossed the river. It cost then £3.3 million a year to run, paid
for by the Government, but run by Greenwich Council. Captain Peter Deekes who was in charge in 1991 had been
working for the ferry since starting as a relief hand in 1962, and was still in
charge in 1997, when thick fog halted the service.
NB The Metropolitan Board of Works provided the crossing free of charge
because the people of Woolwich had paid rates toward the cost of building the
toll bridges in West London, which were made free in the 1900s.
The first Ferry Approach was built opposite Hare street, where he National
Car Park? Waterfront Centre is today. Mowlem were the contractors. In the 1960s
John Wilson street was constructed
as the new Ferry Approach Road, and traffic was removed from the centre of the
road. (Wilson was the Baptist Minister of Woolwich, 1877-1930).
All through the war the ferry ran a 24 hour service - sometimes without
guide lights and with difficult steering. Once a bomb exploded near the stern, but
didn't do much major damage. A VI flying bomb just missed the bridge of the
boat and buried itself in the far bank of the river. The ferries also took shift workers between the Arsenal and Gallions Point.
Two extra paddle steamers were used by the Red Cross (chartered from the Port
Sanitary Authority at Deptford)
and the John Herron a Wallasey steamer from the Mersey
Woolwich Foot
Promoted by the North and South Woolwich Railway Company in 1904 - Bill for
railway under river. Opposed by LCC but Parliament upheld it and the Council
had to provide a free pedestrian
subway. It was opened on 26 October 1912 by Major General Lord Cheylesmore,
Chairman of the LCC at that time. Access is gained through the lift and stair
shaft on the riverfront via Glass Yard. Built 1909-12, designed by Sir Maurice
Fitzmaurice, architect and engineer. Cost estimated at £78,860 firm chosen, Waiter
Scott & Middleton Ltd. It. has circular shafts for lifts (costing
£5,000 to make and added later) and stairs, topped with glass domes. The shafts
were sunk 25ft, close to the ferry piers. The tunnel 12ft 8in in diameter and
1,635 ft. long was bored by the standard method of a shield working in
compressed air. It was walled with cast-iron, lined with brick and white glazed
tiles. An earlier subway begun by J H Greathead was not completed.
1 comment:
Hi, will send you a photocopy, of an article in the newspaper, when my three uncles were, missing at war and my great Grandad was the captain of the penny ferry. My mums maiden name was Haslam, and her Grandad was swaiziland ? I will send the cutting .
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