Friends of Avery Hill Park have contacted us as a matter of urg
ency because of their concern that Greenwich University are demolishing some of our agricultural architectural heritage.

The University have started to clear a Victorian wooden stable block ready for demolition. This demolition is scheduled to be completed by the end of next week. The Avery Hill Stud Stables are not registered on the Greenwich Borough listed buildings; neither are they on the English Heritage listed buildings register. The Greenwich Council officer concerned has already given the University permission to demolish this building. There are no other Victorian wooden agricultural buildings in our borough. Greenwich University hav

Surely the Avery Hill Stud Stables should be listed?
Advice & help urgently needed.
The Friends are also concerned that demolition is underway with a
pparently no check that there are no hibernating bats present. Pippistrelle, Serotine & Noctule bats are known to be in the park but at present their hibernating and roosting places are not fully established. Emails to the university officer in charge of the project; requesting confirmation that a bat inspection has been carried, out have been non productive. Are they too late to save any hibernating group that may be present?